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Membership opportunities
Ponders End Community Development Trust encourages community involvement ensuring that our services support the need of local people. If you are interested in getting involved and affecting changing then why not join us. More details below and for an application form email us at
Roles and Responsibilities
The objects of the Membership are to …
· Promote the interests, growth and the awareness of the Ponders End Community Development Trust
· Represent the views of, and where necessary negotiate on behalf of, the Management and other Members in dealings with individuals, statutory and non-statutory organisations
· Provide the Trust with a forum for agreeing policy matters of common interest
· Provide information to other Members, volunteers and residents of Ponders End.
Criteria for Membership
There will be 30 PECDT Members consisting of 15 Corporate Members and 15 Individual Members.
Corporate Membership
Subject to the approval process, Corporate Membership of the Trust is open to:
· Charity, Trust, not-for-profit or voluntary organisation
· Consultancy
· Professional Training Organisation
· Any other community organisation actively engaged in the Ponders End area.
Corporate members must be able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Directors of the Trust that their activities have benefitted Ponders End.
Individual Membership
Individual Membership of the Trust is open to all residents of Ponders End who are interested in, and committed to, the improvement and development of the area and in working with the Trust to achieve these objectives.
Individual members are normally expected to be registered PECDT Volunteers and regular attenders at the PECDT Community Meetings.
Acceptance for Membership
The decision regarding acceptability for Membership is that of the Board of Directors.
General Terms of Membership
Members will acquaint themselves, and comply with, the terms of the following policies and procedures published by the Trust:
· PECDT Membership: Roles and Responsibilities
· Disciplinary Procedure
· Complaints Procedure
· Appeals Procedure
In addition, Members must agree to disclose any confidential information relating to their franchise or business which may impact on their eligibility, or breach the Trust's Conflict of Interest Document, which they will be required to sign.
Membership Responsibilities
· All Members, whether Corporate or Individual, must support the Aims and Objectives of the PECDT, as published in the Trust's Memorandum and Articles.
· All Members must attend Annual General Meeting, send apologies or a suitable substitute for their organisation.
· All Members must sign Conflict of Interest document.
Code of Conduct
· In discharging their responsibility members are expected to act in a competent and honourable manner.
· Members shall adhere to the rules of the Trust and shall not follow a course of conduct likely to bring the Trust into disrepute.
· Whilst members may act as consultants or as traders, and may receive payment for services or goods in a variety of ways, they should disclose all sources of payment and any financial involvement which might breach the Trust's Conflict of Interest policy.
· Members should not divulge to any other party information about other Members, Directors, Workers or Volunteers, which is confidential.
· Members may promote their services by all normal commercial means such as advertising or public relations activity, providing this is legal and truthful.
Failure to comply with the above shall entitle the Board of Directors to deprive the Member of membership.
A decision to deprive a Member of membership may be reversed by the Directors or other Members of the Trust at an AGM. The Member in question has the right to make a representation before a final decision is taken.
Biennial Review of Membership
The list of Members will be reviewed biennially, to remove the unengaged Corporate or Individual Members and recruit new ones, as required.
Resignation of Membership
Any Member may at any time resign membership by giving notice in writing to PECDT’s Registered Office and, unless the notice is withdrawn, such resignation will take effect one calendar month after the date of receipt.
The notice will be submitted to the next meeting of the Board of Directors for minuting.